Sunday, February 21, 2016

What do you know about manga art? Manga is a Japanese word, that means "comic". Manga dates back to the 12th century from scrolls, that no one knows is actually manga or not. Japanese cartoonist Osamu Tezuka is known as the god of manga and the godfather of anime. His manga series, Astro Boy, became the very first Japanese television series to become known worldwide as anime, Mushi Productions released Astro Boy in 1963. Some manga artists in Japan, are Hideaki Sorachi, Eiichiro Oda and more. My favorite manga artist is Tatsuyuma Sayuri, who is known for doing animal themed manga, such as Happy Happy Clover and Pakupu  Tenei Kairaban. She owns a pet dog and parrot. My friends and I love drawing and reading manga comics. A few of our favorites are Happy Happy Clover and Cardcaptor Sakura. What r ur favorites???